Resolution of the NBCC 88th Annual Council Gathering, PBCC Yisisotha Village

In light of the significant challenges that threaten the very fabric of our society and churches, we, the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC), gathered for the 88th Annual Council at Pochury Baptist Church Council, Mission Centre, Yisisotha Village, during January 30 – February 2, 2025, hereby reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ, which alone has the power to transform lives, communities, and nations. In this regard, we resolve to:

  1. Spiritual Renewal: We commit to prayerfully preparing the church of Jesus Christ for the renewing work of the Holy Spirit within His body. This will include organizing prayer meetings and spiritual retreats for both church leaders and members, while also encouraging personal and corporate prayer, fasting, and meditation on God’s Word.
  2. Transformational Discipleship: Acknowledging that nominal Christianity remains one of our greatest challenges, we resolve to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through faithful preaching and promote transformational discipleship across all generations. This will be achieved through the establishment of comprehensive discipleship programs and by encouraging churches to develop strategic plans for discipleship.
  3. Community Development and Social Justice: We commit to engaging in holistic ministry that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals and community, through initiatives in key areas such as education, healthcare, mental health, and environmental conservation. Additionally, we pledge to uphold and promote truth, social justice, and the protection of human rights, grounded in the understanding that all people are created in the image of God.
  4. Unity of the Church: We resolve to foster the unity of the church, reflecting the nature of the Triune God whom it represents, by promoting dialogue, peace and reconciliation, mutual respect, trust, and collaboration among churches and their leaders.
  5. Biblical Literacy: We affirm the Bible as the sole authority over our faith and practice. In response, we resolve to strengthen biblical literacy among Naga Baptists by recommitting ourselves to the faithful study of God’s Word. This will be achieved through ongoing education and training for pastors, leaders, and church members, as well as intensifying Bible study initiatives within local churches.
  6. Stewardship of Resources: We commit to the faithful stewardship of the resources God has entrusted to the church, ensuring that all actions are marked by sincerity, transparency, and accountability.

By the grace of God, we pray that these resolutions may be faithfully implemented, and that we, as His church, may shine as a light in Nagaland and beyond.

Submitted by:

  1. Rev. Dr. Rachűlie Vihienuo (Convener)
  2. Dr. Joshua Lorin
  3. Dr. Igumpeule Ndang