NBCC Resolution 2024 (Resolutions of 23rd Triennial and 87th Annual Gathering by the House)


NBCC family, at the outset, extends its utmost gratitude to God for his grace through which its Triennial and Annual Gathering began well and concluded with a deep sense of fulfilment.

We also express our sincere gratitude to both the host Association WSBAK and the host church SBAN for the generosity and warm hospitality extended to the NBCC staff, executive members, and all the delegates.

Our heartfelt gratitude also goes out to all program officials for their incredible contributions towards a fruitful Triennial and Annual Gathering 2024.

  1. We resolved to experience God together by facilitating our church members to take the Bible as the sole authority over our faith and practice and a means to encounter Christ both corporately and individually. 
  2. While maintaining our distinct identity by preserving our cultural values and practices, we resolved to put our biblical faith above the emerging trends both in the church and society.
  3. While respecting all religious faiths and communities, we resolved to stand firm in defense of our faith in Jesus Christ, the resurrected Savior of the world!
  4. As the body of Christ, we resolved to reaffirm our love for God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and inculcate interdependence on one another with godly love in ministry, outreach, and social relationship so as to navigate the church of Christ towards the future.
  5. As the body of Christ, we resolved to be inclusive by engaging Differently Abled People in fellowship, worship, and witness.