Convention Centre

The NBCC Convention Centre features state-of the-art design and engineering with multi-purpose accommodations for state, regional, national and international conventions and other special events. Located in the Capital Complex, between the New secretariat and the Assembly secretariat, the convention centre is only a 10 minutes drive from the main town and is easily accessible by road. The centre has the following size and capabilities.
The Convention Hall
Total Building Area : 35,640 ft.
Hall Space
25,375 sq. ft. of contiguous space, divisible into three halls with an approximate area of 8,458 sq. ft each.
Stage Area
Over 2,100 square ft.
Green room / VIP lounge
Green room / VIP lounge with rest room facility with an area of approximately1,000 sq. ft.
2 gates: South-East gate in the front and VIP gate. North East gate at the rear. 9 Doors / entrance to the hall.
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Rules & Regulations
The following Rules and Regulations are designed to give the client a clear and descriptive outline of the responsibilities and operation guidelines of the NBCC Convention Centre. These rules and regulations are subject to change and any change shall be updated in here.
- “CCA” shall mean the NBCC Convention Centre Authority, the managing Authority of the NBCC Convention Centre.
- “Centre” shall mean the NBCC Convention Centre, located at New Capital Complex, Kohima, Nagaland.
- “Client” shall mean the party who has been granted permission to use the facilities of the Centre. Reference to the client shall include the employees, contractors, agents, representatives and attendees of the client.
- “Event” shall mean the program/activities allowed to be carried out in the Centre, subject to these Rules and Regulations
- “Hazardous materials” shall mean, without limitation, those substances or materials that in the judgement of the CCA, would be, or might be, dangerous to persons or property or otherwise incompatible with the structure, systems and furnishing of the Centre.
Priority/Hiring/Payment Terms & Deposits.
Priority is given to NBCC related programs, followed by state, regional and national conventions and programs.
- The Centre will not be available for use for any political activities/ meeting.
- The Centre will not be available for any concert except Gospel Concert.
- Any program conducted at the Centre will not go beyond 11:00 p.m.
For the purpose of Hiring the Centre, a written application must be submitted to the general Secretary, NBCC through the Manager, CCA.
The Centre requires a deposit of 50% of the total rental and equipment fees at the time of booking. The balance amount should be paid on or before the day of the event. All deposit and final payments should be made in the form of cheque, cashier’s check, money order or credit card. Rates of rental of the Centre for different categories will be as follows:
Organizations and others : Rs. 1,00,000 per day
NBCC member bodies : Rs. 50,000 per day
Other terms:
- The fee is for one day event (inclusive of one day preparation and one day cleaning) whether the event is held half day or just one evening or morning, it will be considered as One Day.
- For more than one day event 2 days preparation and one day cleaning will be free of cost.
- For actual event the first day will be including the first night of the Event and following day will be considered as the second day of the event.
- From the second day, the rate per day will be Rs. 50,000 for all the categories stated above.
- If the client uses the centre for extra days for preparation (other than the immediate 2 pre and 1 post Event days) then the charge will be Rs. 25,000 per day for preparation.
- The cost of diesel fuel for generator will be extra.
- The cost of using the sound system, projector, chairs and tables will be extra.
- Any cancellation of the client’s Event to be notified to the CCA 30 days before the Event day. Cancellation charge will as follows: 60 days: full refund • 30 days: 90 % refund of the deposit. • 15 days: 50 % refund of the deposit.
- Caution Money: An amount of Rs. 10,000/- will be deposited at the time of the booking. This will be refunded or adjusted during the time of final payment of the bill.
Exclusive Services
- Food and Beverage: CCA reserves the right to sell or allow, at its discretion, food and beverage during any event.
- First Aid/ Medical Services: All events with exhibits or events that expect over 1000 attendees are required to have a licensed paramedic on duty with advanced life support equipment for all move –in/out and event hours, at the client’s expense. Additional paramedics may be required for larger events.
- Lost articles: CCA has the sole right to collect and maintain custody of all articles left in the facility by persons attending client’s event, and the client or any person in client’s employment shall neither collect nor interfere with the collection or custody of such articles. The articles shall be returned to the rightful owner upon production of identity and identification verification. The articles may be claimed within the period of 60 days.
Client's use of Facilities / Operations
PRE-EVENT MEETING: A pre-event meeting is recommended to give the clients and party the opportunity to meet key personnel from the Centre who will be responsible for facilitating the event. At the meeting, the vent agenda will be reviewed for any last minute details of changes that may have occurred.
COMMENCEMENT OF EVENT PREPARATION: No work or arrangements are allowed to commence without written permission from the CCA.
DECORATING AND AFFIXATIONS TO THE FACILITY: The client will not be permitted to affix any material to the walls, floors, doors or ceiling, including, but not limited to the driving of any nails, hooks, tacks or screws into any portion of the facility, without the prior written consent of CCA. If, with or without CCA approval, the client damages the Centre it will pay CCA the full cost of any repair or replacement.
- Removal of Decoration items: Following the close of the event, the client must remove all decorations and tape, any decoration or tape remaining from the event will be removed by the Centre staff at the prevailing labour’s rate. The client is forewarned that many brands of double-faced tape do not come of the floor and the cost for clean-up will be billed to the client.
- Damages: Any damage to the wall, floors, windows or any other surface or furnishings will be billed to the client.
- Fire: The use candles and / or open-flames devices must be pre approved by CCA and must be in compliance with fire safety code.
- Janitorial Service: All the Janitorial and cleaning service, beginning with the first day of move-in during show day and through final day of move out, is the responsibility of client and will be billed at the prevailing rate.
SIGNS & BANNER: Any signs or banners to be located on the Centre premises, inside or outside, must have the approval of the CCA as to size, number, quality, content, location and method of hanging. The Centre will remove any unauthorised signs at the client’s expenses.
1. Vehicles are to be driven only on designated road and park only in designated parking areas.
2. Accessibility of passageways: The client agrees that
- No portion of any passageway or exit will be blocked or obstructed in any manner during the event,
- No exit door or any exit will be locked, blocked, or bolted during the event.
- All designated exit shall be operational and visible to all patrons of the facility during the event.
ATTENDANCE CAPICITY: In no event shall attendance be permitted in excess of the established capacity of the Authorised Areas. The client shall not admit a number of persons larger than that can safely and freely move about in the authorised areas; any decision regarding capacity made by CCA shall be final.
CLEANING: The client shall keep the Centre in good repair, as well as a safe, sanitary and attractive condition during the duration the event. The client will be responsible for the cleaning of all areas utilized during the event, including, but not limited to, areas utilized for purpose of offices or registration, loading dock(s), any exhibit hall floor space that is utilized, trash left in aisles or placed in receptacles located on the show floor, etc. If the client fails return the premises in a “clean hall” manner, including the removal of tape, CCA will perform the necessary services and the client will reimburse CCA for costs incurred to provide such services. As a whole the client is responsible to clean the Centre before and after the event including surrounding.
COMMON AREAS: CCA reserves the right to control all lobby or common areas. CCA will permit the client to use those areas of the lobby, as it deems appropriate.
DESIGNATED ENTRANCES: All entrances and exits are subject to CCA’s control. The client agrees that all persons, articles, exhibit, fixtures, and displays entering or exiting the facility will use only the approved and designated points of entry.
FAILURE TO VACATE / REMOVAL OF PROPERTY: Upon the expiration the event, the client shall immediately remove all goods, wares, merchandise, property and debris owned by the client or which the client has placed or permitted to be placed on or at the centre, Any such property not so removed, after the event, shall be considered abandoned and, at CCA’s discretion, be removed and stored by CCA at the client’s expenses or disposed in any manner CCA deems expedient. The client hereby waives all claims for damage resulting from such removal, storage and disposal of such property and indemnifies CCA from any and all damages or cost including reasonable attorney’s fee resulting from such storage and/or disposal.
FOOD PREPARATION / COOKING: Neither the client nor any of its attendees, contractors or exhibitors may cook or prepare food at the Facility without prior written permission of CCA and the proper permits. All approved food preparations must be completed in accordance with the instructions and guidelines provided by CCA.
PROPERTY OF CCA: The client may not use or operate any equipment, furnishing or other property belonging to CCA without the prior approval of CCA. The client may not transport any property of CCA to any place outside the Centre.
SHOW BADGES: The client shall ensure that employees or associated people entering the Centre before or after the Event have a badge with the organization name and employee name (picture ID preferred) that are highly visible, and that include an expiration date. Persons without proper identification will be escorted off the Center premises.
NO SMOKING POLICY: The Centre is a smoke free facility and hence smoking is strictly prohibited in the premises of the Centre. The client will be held responsible for notifying it employees, exhibitors and invitees
USE OF ALCOHOL AND INTOXICATING SUBSTANCE: Use of Alcohol and intoxicating substances in and around the Centre premises is strictly prohibited. If found violating, the violators will be escorted off the Centre premises.
SOLICITATIONS: No solicitations, whether for charity or otherwise, shall be made, attempted or announced on the premises without prior approval of CCA
SANCTITY OF THE CENTRE: The Centre being the property of the church, all the parties are expected to respect and maintain the sanctity of the Centre.
Security & Public Safety
- Safety of all occupants of the Centre is of primary concern. Any unsafe condition or activity should be immediately reported to the Centre personnel and the responsible party for corrective measures.
- The Centre does not provide 24 hour security. The client is responsible for complete security within all leased space. The Centre, along with the client, will evaluate each event according to the nature of the event, profile of the attendees, areas in use, and consideration for the other events when determining additional security and first and personnel requirements, including exhibitor move-in and move out periods.
- All Centre employees will wear Official identification badges while facilitating events.
Reservation form
Click to open the reservation form (PDF) for the Convention Centre.